Quick library search: Go Anywhere Subject Title Author Celebrating Black History Month 2025: Children's Books The ABCs of Black historyCortez, Rio, author. Antiracist BabyKendi, Ibram X., author. The artivistSmith, Nikkolas, 1985- aut... Before she was Harriet : the story of Harriet T...Cline-Ransome, Lesa, autho... Bird BoyBurgess, Matthew, author. Black boy joy Exquisite : the poetry and life of Gwendolyn Br...Slade, Suzanne, author. Go forth and tell : the life of Augusta Baker, ...McDaniel, Breanna J., auth... Good night stories for rebel girls : 100 real-l... Goodnight racismKendi, Ibram X., author. Harlem's little blackbirdWatson, Renée. Hurricane childCallender, Kacen, author. Jam, too?Brown-Wood, JaNay, author. Jump at the sun : the true life tale of unstopp...Williams, Alicia, 1970- au... King of ragtime : the story of Scott JoplinCostanza, Stephen, author,... Like lava in my veinsBarnes, Derrick, author. The me I choose to beTarpley, Natasha Anastasia... Milo imagines the worldde la Peña, Matt, author. My block looks likeHarper, Janelle, author. Nina : a story of Nina SimoneTodd, Traci N., author. The queen of kindergartenBarnes, Derrick, author. Radiant child : the story of young artist Jean-...Steptoe, Javaka, 1971- aut... Remember usWoodson, Jacqueline, autho... Ruby BridgesMagoon, Kekla, author. Seoul foodRussell, Erin, author. Shirley Chisholm is a verb!Chambers, Veronica, author... Stacey's extraordinary wordsAbrams, Stacey, author. Stamped (for kids) : racism, antiracism, and youCherry-Paul, Sonja, author... Stuntboy, in the meantimeReynolds, Jason, author. Ways to make sunshineWatson, Renée, author. Who sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott? : Rosa ...Fitzpatrick, Insha, author... Chinese New Year 2025 American born ChineseYang, Gene Luen, author. The book of Sichuan chili crisp : spicy recipes...Gao, Jing, 1987- author. Chan is missing Chinese enough : homestyle recipes for noodles,...Cho, Kristina, author. The Chinese myths : a guide to the gods and leg...Liu, Tao Tao, author. Chinese New Year : fact and folkloreHu, William C. (William Ch... Chinese New Year festivals : a picturesque mono...Bredon, Juliet. Chlorine : a novelSong, Jade, author. Daughter of the dragon : Anna May Wong's rendez...Huang, Yunte, author. Daughter of the moon goddess : a novelTan, Sue Lynn, author. Daughters of the new year : a novelTran, E. M., author. Deep as the sky, red as the sea : a novelChang-Eppig, Rita, author. Didi DisorientationChou, Elaine Hsieh, author... The farewell The Fire Horse girlHoneyman, Kay. The Good, the Bad, and the AuntiesSutanto, Jesse Q. Lunar love : a novelJessen, Lauren Kung, autho... Made in Taiwan : recipes and stories from the i...Wei, Clarissa, author. Modern Asian baking at home : essential sweet a...Lieu, Kat, author. Mooncakes + milk bread : sweet & savory recipes...Cho, Kristina, author. Simply Chinese : recipes from a chinese home ki...Lee, Suzie, author. Wandering souls : a novelPin, Cecile, author. The way spring arrives and other stories Welcome me to the kingdom : storiesNardone, Mai, 1989- author... The woks of life : recipes to know and love fro...Leung, Bill, 1964- author. Yellowface : a novelKuang, R. F. (Rebecca F.),... Your emergency contact has experienced an emerg...Chen, Chen, 1989- author. Black History Month 2025: Banned Books by Black Authors The 1619 Project : a new origin story All American boysReynolds, Jason, author. All boys aren't blue : a memoir-manifestoJohnson, George M. (George... The autobiography of Malcolm XX, Malcolm, 1925-1965. BelovedMorrison, Toni, author. Between the world and meCoates, Ta-Nehisi. Black girl unlimited : the remarkable story of ...Brown, Echo, author. The bluest eye : a novelMorrison, Toni, author. The color purpleWalker, Alice, 1944- Dear MartinStone, Nic. Go tell it on the mountainBaldwin, James, 1924-1987. The hate u giveThomas, Angie, author. Hood feminism : notes from the women that a mov...Kendall, Mikki, author. I know why the caged bird singsAngelou, Maya. Invisible manEllison, Ralph. A lesson before dyingGaines, Ernest J., 1933-20... Native sonWright, Richard, 1908-1960... New kidCraft, Jerry, author, illu... Not so pure and simpleGiles, Lamar, 1979- author... PetEmezi, Akwaeke, author. Stamped : racism, antiracism, and youReynolds, Jason, author. The stars and the blackness between themPetrus, Junauda, author. Their eyes were watching godHurston, Zora Neale. This is my AmericaJohnson, Kim, 1979- author... You should see me in a crownJohnson, Leah (Young adult... Black History Month 2025: Books for Teens Ain't burned all the brightReynolds, Jason, author. As you walk on byWinters, Julian, author. The beautiful struggle : a memoirCoates, Ta-Nehisi, author. Black birds in the sky : the story and Legacy o...Colbert, Brandy, author. Black enough : stories of being young & black i... The Black girl survives in this one : horror st... The black kidsHammonds Reed, Christina, ... The BlackwoodsColbert, Brandy, author. Charisma's turn : a graphic novelCouvson, Monique, author. Cool, awkward, black Long way down : the graphic novelReynolds, Jason, author. Love radioLaDelle, Ebony, author. Nigeria JonesZoboi, Ibi Aanu, author. Poemhood, our black revival : history, folklore... Reggie and Delilah's year of fallingBryant, Elise (Elise M.), ... Revolution in our time : the Black Panther Part...Magoon, Kekla, author. Ruin roadGiles, Lamar, 1979- author... Something kindredBurch, Ciera, author. Stay up : racism, resistance, and reclaiming Bl...Dill, Khodi, author. Those who saw the sun : African American oral h...Avery, Jaha Nailah, author... True trueHooper, Don P., author. Victory. Stand! : raising my fist for justiceSmith, Tommie, 1944- autho... We deserve monumentsHammonds, Jas, author. When they call you a terrorist : a story of Bla...Cullors, Patrisse, 1983- a... More Than Just A Month - Children's Books Celebrating Black/African Americans The ABCs of Black historyCortez, Rio, author. All different now : Juneteenth, the first day o...Johnson, Angela. Antiracist BabyKendi, Ibram X., author. Bad news for outlaws : the remarkable life of B...Nelson, Vaunda Micheaux. Before she was Harriet : the story of Harriet T...Cline-Ransome, Lesa, autho... Black boy joy Boycott blues : how Rosa Parks inspired a nationPinkney, Andrea Davis. Clean getawayStone, Nic, author. Dream StreetWalker, Tricia Elam, autho... Exquisite : the poetry and life of Gwendolyn Br...Slade, Suzanne, author. Good night stories for rebel girls : 100 real-l... Harlem's little blackbirdWatson, Renée. Hurricane childCallender, Kacen, author. Jump at the sun : the true life tale of unstopp...Williams, Alicia, 1970- au... King of ragtime : the story of Scott JoplinCostanza, Stephen, author,... Martin & Mahalia : his words, her songPinkney, Andrea Davis. The me I choose to beTarpley, Natasha Anastasia... Nina : a story of Nina SimoneTodd, Traci N., author. Paradise on fireRhodes, Jewell Parker, aut... Rhythm ride : a road trip through the Motown so...Pinkney, Andrea Davis, aut... A ride to remember : a civil rights storyLangley, Sharon, 1963- aut... The roots of rap : 16 bars on the 4 pillars of ...Weatherford, Carole Boston... Shirley Chisholm is a verb!Chambers, Veronica, author... The sound that jazz makesWeatherford, Carole Boston... Stacey's extraordinary wordsAbrams, Stacey, author. Stamped (for kids) : racism, antiracism, and youCherry-Paul, Sonja, author... Stuntboy, in the meantimeReynolds, Jason, author. Ways to make sunshineWatson, Renée, author. What is hip-hop?Morse, Eric (Music consult... When the beat was born : DJ Kool Herc and the c...Hill, Laban Carrick, autho... Who is Barack Obama?Edwards, Roberta. The wild world handbook : how adventurers, arti...Debbink, Andrea, author. Children's Audiobooks and Ebooks The Day You BeginWoodson, Jacqueline Dear Sweet PeaMurphy, Julie DreamersMorales, Yuyi From the Desk of Zoe WashingtonMarks, Janae Girls Think of EverythingThimmesh, Catherine Lalani of the Distant SeaKelly, Erin Entrada The Line TenderAllen, Kate Other Words for HomeWarga, Jasmine Planting StoriesDenise, Anika Aldamuy Ways to Make SunshineWatson, Renée We Will Not Be SilentFreedman, Russell Words with WingsGrimes, Nikki On-Order Items The dream hotel : a novelLalami, Laila, 1968- autho... Dream state : a novelPuchner, Eric, author. ElphieMaguire, Gregory Flashlight : a novelChoi, Susan, 1969- author. Fox : a novelOates, Joyce Carol, 1938- ... The girls of good fortune : a novelMcMorris, Kristina, author... Great big beautiful lifeHenry, Emily, author. The Griffin Sisters' Greatest HitsWeiner, Jennifer The Library of Lost DollhousesHooper, Elise The love we foundSantopolo, Jill, author. Martyr!Akbar, Kaveh, author. My friends : a novelBackman, Fredrik, 1981- au... Park AvenueAhdieh, Reně Playground : a novelPowers, Richard, 1957- aut... SleepJones, Honor Slow Burn SummerSilver, Josie So far gone : a novelWalter, Jess, 1965- author... Stone yard devotionalWood, Charlotte, 1965- aut... We do not part : a novelHan, Kang, 1970- author. The wedding people : a novelEspach, Alison, 1984- auth...